Compact size: The fan'scompact size of 80x80x10mm makes it ideal for use in space-constrained applications,such as inside computer cases or small electronic devices. This compact sizeallows for easy installation and integration into various systems.
· The DCBrushless motor employed in this fan ensures quiet and efficient operation,making it suitable for use in noise-sensitive environments, such as homeoffices, libraries, or even bedrooms. The fan's quiet operation minimizes noisepollution and allows for a more peaceful and focused working or restingenvironment.
· Despite itscompact size, the fan delivers a maximum airflow of 30 CFM (Cubic Feet perMinute) and a maximum static pressure of 0.067 mmAq (millimeters of watercolumn). This performance makes the fan suitable for a variety of applications,including cooling electronic components, providing ventilation for smallenclosures, and circulating air in small spaces.
· The fan'splastic frame and impeller are constructed from durable materials that canwithstand harsh environments and prolonged use. The robust construction ensuresthe fan's longevity and resistance to wear and tear, even in demandingapplications.
· Safety certified: The fan iscertified to meet UL94V-0 flammability standards, indicating that it meetsstringent safety requirements and minimizes the risk of fire hazards. Thiscertification ensures the safe operation of the fan in various environments.